Jeremy Scott Tax Law

Everything You Need to Know About Canada’s Underused Housing Tax

Jeremy Scott Tax Law | Everything You Need to Know About Canada’s Underused Housing Tax

The underused housing tax is a relatively new tax that is designed to affect those who own property in Canada but are not necessarily Canadian residents. Essentially, it is a 1% tax on vacant or “underused” housing. While it is designed to only apply to non-residents, there are situations where it might apply to residents, […]

Canadian Dentistry and GST/HST

Jeremy Scott Tax Law | Canadian Dentistry and GST/HST

Canada’s tax laws can be confusing, leading Canadian dentists to question how GST and HST apply within their practices. In order to calculate taxes properly, it is necessary to first determine whether the province charges GST, HST, or PST, and at what rate. Business owners also need to be aware that the tax rules for […]

How To Look Up GST/HST Number

Jeremy Scott Tax Law | How To Look Up GST/HST Number

Canadians may need to look up a GST number to confirm that a business charging them tax is a GST/HST registrant. Businesses may also need to confirm their own GST/HST number after registering. In either case, looking up a GST/HST number is a relatively simple process. However, other GST/HST tax matters can be more complicated. […]

Annual Information Returns – Select Listed Financial Institutions

Jeremy Scott Tax Law | Annual Information Returns - Select Listed Financial Institutions

In Canada, individuals or businesses that meet the definition of a listed financial institution must file GST/HST or QST annual information returns. Filing the appropriate tax forms is essential to ensuring compliance with Canadian law, yet determining whether a person is a listed financial institution can be complex and may require extensive knowledge of the […]

Selling Into Manitoba? Manitoba PST Registration Rules

Jeremy Scott Tax Law | Selling Into Manitoba? Manitoba PST Registration Rules

Manitoba has a Provincial Sales Tax (PST) that applies to the sale of most goods sold or purchased in Manitoba. The PST also applies to some services within Manitoba. Manitoba PST is sometimes known as RST or Retail Sales Tax. Manitoba’s RST is a flat seven percent tax that is based on the sale price […]

How To Interpret A Tax Treaty

Jeremy Scott Tax Law | How To Interpret A Tax Treaty

Many people may benefit from a tax treaty and not even realize it. These treaties often establish a relationship of reciprocity between the participating nations. Typically, this means that for whatever benefits you might receive in one country, a citizen of that country would receive equivalent benefits in your country of origin. However, understanding tax […]

Singh v. Canada: Learning About TFSA Penalties

Jeremy Scott Tax Law | Singh v. Canada: Learning About TFSA Penalties

In Singh v. Canada, Susie Singh placed money from the sale of her home in her tax-free savings account (TFSA) in 2015. In 2018, Singh learned that she owed taxes due to overcontributions to her account and applied for relief from those taxes in 2019 twice. She was denied both times. In 2022, Singh received […]

The Ultimate Guide To PST In Saskatchewan

Jeremy Scott Tax Law | The Ultimate Guide To PST In Saskatchewan

Provincial Sales Tax (PST) is a sales tax that applies to all taxable goods and services in Saskatchewan. PST applies to both sales that occur within Saskatchewan and goods and services imported and consumed or used in Saskatchewan. This sales tax applies to both new and used goods; it even applies to rental transactions. Although […]